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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nutrition Quote

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”

-Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.

Pop Quiz Answer: Heart Disease is Expensive

In the upcoming year,Heart disease is projected to cost American's:


Dr.Evil, it really isn't funny. Check out this article in the AHA Circulation.

Not only does heart disease cost you your health, if also costs the country as a whole some big bucks. Don't wait until it's too late and you are stuck on medications (that have their own side effects) or are suprised by an unexpected stroke or heart attack. Yet another reason to pay close attention to what you're eating and the magical "heart numbers!": cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and blood sugars.

Don't forget- February is HEART HEALTH month!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pop Quiz:Heart Disease is expensive

Just how expensive?
The estimated total indirect and direct cost of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) for 2010 is projected to be:

1. 806 million
2. 503 billion
3. 376 million
4. 102 billion

Monday, February 8, 2010

Women, Heart Disease, and Stats

Check out this page on Statistics. They are quite motivating. Think of all the important women in your life.
The numbers tell all!

If you're too busy to read the whole thing, I'll recap some of the info:

More than 1/3 of adult females has Cardiovascular Disease.

Since '84, the # of cardio disease for females has exceeded those for males (i mean, i know we exceed in a lot of things, but this shouldn't be one of them!)

Females represent 52.1% of deaths from CVD.

This year an estimated 515,000 women will have a new and recurrent MI and fatal CHD (please don't let this be you!)

64% percent of women who died suddenly of CHD had no previous symptoms. (FHS, NHLBI) OK, WHAT!?

About 370,000 will have a new and recurrent MI. (ARIC [1987–2004], NHLBI)

Women account for about 6 in 10 stroke deaths.

Food Hangover

Happy Monday-After-Superbowl Everyone
I have a feeling most people are suffering through what I like to call a "food hangover" today (and last night)..Just that sluggish-fatigued-bloated-nauseous-no-good-feeling.

I admit I did induldge in some superbowl-worthy treats (cheeseburger sliders-although I swear they were normal size cheeseburgers!?! chips/dip, buffalo wings) but I definitely felt gross last night immediately after indulging- which is a true testimate to me on how your body literally rejects the bad stuff once it's used to eating the 'good stuff'...If you didn't feel the food hangover, maybe that's a sign your body is 'too used' to it!! (totally not scientific, but I'll make my own theories :) No need to build your tolerance here either.
To anyone who normally eats healthy and induldges every now and then, its no biggie- and no need to make it a biggie. I would definitely not recommend starving yourself the next day or week (which will ultimately lead to more indulging). I would also not recommend "oh I already ate like crap, might as well eat some more crap...". Just move on and start on a better note the next day, including breakfast! What will help you feel refreshed is to start your day with protein (eggs/egg whites or peanut butter) whole grains and fresh fruit. Today I had a big bowl of cut up melons I bought from the hospital cafe that hit the spot, a scrambled egg and a Kashi Blackberry Graham Cereal bar. I wasn't very hungry, but breakfast is a must for starting the brain gears & metabolism. For lunch I had a big pile of greens with plain tuna, green peppers, cucumbers, carrots, a few craisins, and a little bit olive oil/vinegar. I've also been drinking a ton of water and only had 1 8oz. cup coffee this morning (dab skim milk & 1 splenda is how I roll). I plan on a mid-afternoon snack of yogurt & fruit.
I can tell you the Food Hangover is far from my memory!!