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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Light" Smoking Risks

Okay, so this post may have no relation to 'nutrition' per say, but I'm all about a well-rounded healthy life. Anyone who smokes in this day and age knows the general 'risks' associated with daily cigarette puffing. It shortens life span, and is linked with cancers of all sorts- lung cancer being the most widely known.
This is the very first article I've read with actual NUMBERS highlighting a person's risk if they 'socially smoke' or lightly smoke (may not on a daily basis: less than 5 cigarettes on the days they do smoke. anywhere from 1-39 cigarettes/week).
A person may socially smoke a few cigarettes a night on the weekend when they are drinking or at a party.

Results of this study:

Women (35-49 years old) who smoke 1-4 cigarettes a day have 5 times the risk of developing lung cancer and men have 3 times the risk as non-smokers.

Light Smokers have a lower-quality of life than nonsmokers (general health, mental health, physically)

Women 'light smokers' have a shorten life span of 4-6 years!!!

Light smoking is a 100% turn-off for a man or woman! (ok, i just added that).

Bottom Line:
Even light smoking comes with deadly, and life-debilitating risks. Any time your friend tells you "i just have a few when I go out on the weekends" remind them of this!!