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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Green Fingers

Whatever, I got this idea from but I wanted to share it with you. Nuts! We all have our favorite, and one my favorite as a child was PISTACHIOS!!

My grandfather used to loooove them and would rock the stained fingers :)

Pistachios have the lowest calories per serving compared to most tree nuts:

30 pistachio nuts=100 calories
30 almonds= 207 calories
30 cashews= 266 calories
30 walnut halves= 407 calories
30 pecan halves = 315 calories

Per 30 nuts you get 2 grams of filling fiber, 4 grams of protein, and 8 grams of healthy fat!
A GREAT snack for those watching their weight or for just about anybody who wants something nutritious and delicious!

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