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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sea Salt versus Table Salt

The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but The Truth.
You know you want it.

I am frequently told by patients, "I don't use any added sodium. I use sea salt instead of regular salt"
I've also worked with patients-admitted to the hospital with Congestive Heart Failure b/c they thought sea salt was better than regular salt & dowsed it all over their food.

This is a classic case of a nutrition trend that people jump on without acutally knowing anything about it.

I hate to break your bubble, but Sea Salt and Table Salt are basically the same. They both contain close to 100% sodium chloride- proven to cause high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease when consumed in moderate to large amounts & far too often.


Sea salt:
Evaporated ocean water
98% sodium chloride
2% trace minerals: iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc-add color & flavor

Table Salt
Mined from salt deposits, trace minerals removed
 Iodized (iodine added to avoid iodine deficiency-commonly known to cause Goiters)
99% sodium chloride

Some prefer one over the other for taste when cooking, etc.

Bottom line:
You aren't doing yourself a huge, noticeable favor by switching to sea salt- there are no positive health effects proven to occur by consuming sea salt.
Some may prefer sea salt because it is more 'natural' (less processed than table salt).
The small amount of trace minerals you get from sea salt you get from other foods in your diet anyways.
Any form of sodium consumed in large amounts isn't good for your health.
Remember to stick to less than 1500-2300 mg/day..(American's have around 3,500 mg a day. Ick.).
Regardless of which one you prefer (in small, small amounts-cooking only): 
Consume with caution!!

Sick of me talking about Sodium yet?

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