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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Friday Feb.5 Nat'l Wear Red DAY!

Don't forget to wear red on National Wear Red Day!!
Friday, February 5th.
I'm giving you ample time in advance!
Don't matter if its a tie, dress, shirt, skirt, pants...

National Wear Red Day® is a registered trademark of HHS and AHA.
"Heart Disease Doesn't Care What You Wear—It's the #1 Killer of Women.®"

This isn't a pre-valentines day thaaang, by wearing red you are bringing awareness to women's heart disease-the #1 killer in American women. Show support for your mother, sister,cousin,grandmother,friend,teacher,whoever. Inspire them to make changes for a healthier heart or take a minute to think of ways you can improve your heart health- whether it be by losing weight, cutting back on high sodium & highly saturated foods, exercising or beginning a walking program, or by getting critical #'s taken (blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugars).

Check out more info on the American Heart Association's website.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Superbowl Part duo

Here are some more health-friendly superbowl day recipes brought to you by!
Have fun!

Also, haha:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nutrition Quote

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
-Thomas Edison


GO PATRIOTS! Oh, wait...

Whoever you are rooting for, superbowl is usually a time for indulging in cheesy, greasy, salty apps/food. 
Why not avoid the belly bloat & heartburn you'll develop after eating all that, excuse my language, crap!?

There are healthier versions of football faves you can make at home or purchase that are still TASTY!


-Salsa...low calorie & made from veggies--pair with Baked Lay's Scoops

- Guacomole is loaded w/healthy fats, but be carefullly of portions! Have with bake-your-own-tortilla-chips. Buy 100% whole wheat tortillas, cut into wedges and spread on baking pan. Spray with Pam Olive oil or drizzle a small amount of olive oil on tortilla wedges. 
Bake for ~10-15 mins @ 350 degrees.

- Veggie platter & hummus (TJ's has a great hummus platter with all sorts of delish flavors!) Cut up favorites-carrots, broccoli, celery, green peppers, baby tomatoes or buy them pre-cut (more expensive).

 -Other Delish Dips: Tobouleh- if you've never tried it, it's a middle eastern salad consisting of olive oil, parsley, veggies, and is very addicting! I use it as a dip- try with 
  whole grain crackers. Pictured below..mmmm...
- Shrimp cocktail..never fails and a punch of protein will help u stay full :)
- SKIP'll save $$ & the artery clogging, salt loaded pies.
  Seriously, its easy. Buy some pre-made pizza crust: Boboli Whole Wheat is a healthy treat!  Top with jarred tomato spaghetti sauce-tons of variety's to choose from. Sprinkle on 2% mozzerella cheese, chicken sausages (slice/dice up), onions, peppers, mushrooms, basil, oregano, garlic..GET creative!

- If you're honestly not going to make your own pie and insist on ordering out...please for the love of god get thin crust, DONT get extra cheese (you have enough sodium and saturated fat on there as it is) and sneak in some veggies us Americans are notorious for not getting enough of. If you must get meat, get chicken or the ham-good with pineapple, aka Hawaiian pizza. Stick to 1 to 2 pieces tops!

- SKIP the wings. They are seriously bad for you. Yes, you. Just 5 hot chicken wings at Domino's weighs in at 450 calories. Add the blue cheese, you're lookin' at about 600 calories..(1/3 daily calorie needs for some peeps). Get the boneless/skinless if you can and save on some calories. Or..make your own!!

                                               Hungry Girl's Recipe   -->

-Another Recipe: White Bean Dip & OOO so tasty :)

- If you're jonesin' for something sweet, try a mini-dessert.
  Vanilla Wafer ice cream sandwiches:
  With Edy's Slow Churned Light Vanilla or strawberry Ice cream OR Slow Churned Vanilla Frozen Yogurt:
  Let ice cream soften for 15-20 mins. then spoon a small scoop on a Nilla Wafer cookie- cover with another wafer then roll in chocolate chips or sprinkles. Make as many depending on your party size.
  Place in freezer and set for ~1 hour...makes a nice lil' bite size ice cream sandwich!

Happy Football!! :)